Mastering ADD-Part 1

I have ADD. Yes, that’s right — Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s a misnomer though, because I can super-focus on something that really interests me, like my current research project. *wink* For most of my life, I felt like a failure and stupid, but guess what? The first eye opener for me was in high school psyc class. My classmates and I took IQ tests and I discovered I could qualify for Mensa! Wow! Me, a brainiac, no way!

Of course, then that led to “Dolores is not living up to her potential” statements on report cards. Is that a set-up or what? But, tightly sheltered in my hands, was a tiny shiny glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, I was not so dumb after all. Maybe giftedness was why I thought and acted differently from everyone else. Even then, I didn’t completely accept myself, because I still was not “normal.” I could identify with Pinocchio who wanted to be a real boy and later Data, on Star Trek, who sought to be human.

(Read more here: )

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